Nosebleeds and what to do in the case of one

It is the loss of blood from the tissue lining the nose. Bleeding most often occurs in one nostril only. Considerations Nosebleeds are very common. Most occur due to minor irritations or colds. The nose contains a large number of tiny blood vessels that bleed easily. Air moving through the nose can dry and irritate […]
How many times a year should you go to the doctor?

When we are children, we undergo regular pediatric check-ups to monitor our health and growth. This practice of prevention and control continues into adulthood every time we have a checkup, but when is it more advisable to do so? We tell you the ages, reasons and key moments to undergo a medical examination. We recommend […]
What to do when you have a migraine?

Migraines cause pain as real as injury, with one difference: sometimes healthy habits and simple non-medical remedies can stop migraines before they start. Many times the cause of migraines is genetics, your lifestyle or an illness. So today we tell you what to do when you have a migraine. Here are the recommendations to follow: […]
What to do in case of fracture?

In case of a suspected fracture, which is when the bone breaks and causes pain, inability to move, swelling and, in some cases, deformity, it is very important to remain calm, observe if there are other more serious injuries, such as bleeding, and call the emergency services. Then, it is possible to perform first aid […]
How does stress affect health?

Stress and health are closely related. But what is stress? Stress is a response to a perceived threat or danger. Long ago, when humans were hunting and gathering, our stress response was triggered by external danger. When this instinct was activated, it was the body’s signal to release hormones that allowed us to have a […]
Conjunctivitis and its different types

Pinkeye (often called conjunctivitis) is when an infection or allergies irritate the conjunctiva. The eyes become red and swollen, and sometimes produce a sticky discharge. You can get this condition in one or both eyes. Some types of pink eye are very contagious (easily spread from person to person). There are three main types of […]
Everything you should know about obesity

Obesity is a treatable chronic disease that appears when there is an excess of adipose tissue (fat) in the body. Experts warn that its most negative effects occur because it acts as an agent that accentuates and aggravates in the short term and in a very evident way, serious pathologies such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular […]
How to deal with hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are veins in the rectum that can become inflamed until they bulge and cause itching, pain, or burning. This disease can occur in both men and women between the ages of 45 and 65. What are the causes of this disease? In addition to the ages, we must know the triggering factors, among these […]